Hey Niki – Why Does Copywriting Matter?

Man on phone talking about the benefits of quality copywriting

Siri, Alexa, Cortana – there’s a long list of Artificial Intelligence bots people turn to when they have questions. In fact, nearly half of all U.S. households currently use a smart speaker like Google Nest or Amazon Echo! For this reason, copywriting for voice-activated searches is an increasingly important element in successful marketing. Even though we’re not robots, Niki Jones Agency knows how to write copy that A.I. understands. We’ll help you make your content voice search-friendly.

Although artificial intelligence is complex, producing copy that performs well for voice-activated assistants is relatively straightforward. Here are some practical tips to ensure your company appears in voice-activated searches. (For general information about copywriting, click here.)

Keep It Simple, Siri!

One way to boost your copy’s performance for voice-activated queries is to keep it conversational. Often, people speak to assistants the way we speak to our friends. For example, they might say, “Hey Alexa, look up vegetarian restaurants near me,” or “Siri, who’s the best rated dentist in Crown Heights?” If your web content contains a lot of buzzwords or technical jargon, your website may not rank highly in the search results. You may encounter the same problem if your website is content dense, that is has too much copy. One of the goals of successful copywriting is therefore to balance professional language with vocabulary the average web visitor uses every day.

Copywriting for Search Engine Optimization

Another way to ensure your company appears in relevant searches is to review your Search Engine Optimization. Although S.E.O. for voice-activated searches and typed searches generally overlap, there are certain important differences. For example, long-tail keywords are more important when optimizing search terms for voice-activated queries. Long-tail keywords are longer (multiple words or even a complete phrase) and more specific than other keywords. This approach makes sense because people who search by voice often want fast answers, which signals that they’re ready to buy. In other words, they’re not researching to compare products. They’re looking for an answer they can act on. The more specific your keywords are, the more likely your company is to deliver the product or service searched.

Unsure if your S.E.O. is performing as well as it should be? Maybe it’s time for a content refresh. Give us a call today and we’ll create a plan to boost your search engine rankings – for typed and for voice-activated searches!

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